Wednesday 14 October 2009

Audience Review - Risha Jethwa

Audience review

The results from the questionnaire show us and clear understanding of the audience opinions in a documentary. From this we have discovered what elements and conventions will help us succeed in our documentary, however we have also identified relevant questions and information which will help us proceed in the right track.

From the first question the results show and equal percent of males and females enjoy watching a documentary. In this case the questionnaire was handed out to thirty individuals which where both genders males and females, although from this feed back both fifteen males and females show a keen interest in the topic.

The second question focuses on the age category. As you may notice the highest percent was 18-22. The reason for this is because young adults enjoy watching documentaries, where as the age category 15-17 have a lower percent as they least enjoy documentaries. From these results the age groups have been divided into certain groups such as the teenagers, young adults and adults. Despite this you may notice that the age group 18-22 show more of an interest because they have the knowledge and ability to learn something new, Where as the category 22+ also shows similarities with the age group18-22.

The results shown for the third question suggests the main features of a documentary. As a result the highest feature of a documentary is an interview, however many agreed that facts and figures and a voice over give more information and sources on the documentary. This is because facts and figures increase the knowledge. Another reason is a voice over helps direct and narrates the audience about the documentary. A small percent all believed to see cutaways in the documentary as it makes it more interesting and exciting to watch.

The feed back shows from question four showed a high percent of the topic student behaviour. This is because student behaviour has become a big issue in today society as many people are unaware of the situation. Another response from the audience believes that outcome of research can be beneficial to the educational system. From this the results show that the target audience have high expectation of the topic student behaviour as it is involved in many day to day lives.

The response from the fifth questions shows that student behaviour should be explored in many ways for instance classroom behaviour, uniforms, education departments and many more. Interestingly within this documentary the feed back shown from the audience believe that interviews with students and class observations can help the effect of student behaviour.

The final question explores any other issues the audience will like to raise. The response shown for this was diversity of different ethnic backgrounds, racism, bullying and verbal abuse. This shows that in many secondary schools certain issues such as bullying and racism have a big impact on people as it affects them in person and their school life.

In conclusion all the questions and feed back from the target audience has helped make the documentary more appealing as it give us suggestion and idea’s to make it more interesting.